Kerr WMA: Range and Wildlife Management Seminars

The KWMA is a research and demonstration area. As new management techniques are applied and knowledge gained, this information should be disseminated to the public by various means. One of these means would be through public tours. There should be a balance between the need for research and demonstration. For example, although the knowledge about the effects of genetics on antler development may be understood by researchers, maintaining deer in the deer pens that demonstrate these effects would be a powerful visual demonstration tool for biologists when working with landowners and sportsmen on wildlife management programs.

Since 1977, over 1300 tours and seminars have been presented to nearly 50,000 people. Of special interest to many landowners and land managers are the "First Friday Tours," which usually occur on the first Friday of each month from August through October. During these tours, land managers obtain a wealth of information regarding a holistic approach to wildlife management. Specific topics such as prescribed burning, brush control, rotational grazing systems, deer harvest, and deer genetics are all part of and ecosystem-level approach to managing wildlife populations.

Information for the fall, 2015 seminars can be found on our Facebook page.